About Us

The Global Leadership Project (GLP) provides data on government leaders throughout the world - including legislators, members of the executive branch, members of the judiciary, and other decisionmakers whose power may be formal or informal. The database currently covers 162 countries and will eventually include virtually every sizeable country in the world.

The replication data for the following publication is available on the site: John Gerring, Erzen Oncel, Kevin Morrison and Daniel Pamstein. 2019. "Who Rules the World? A Portrait of the Global Leadership Class"Perspectives on Politics 17:4. The full data of the first round is available. The second round of data collection has ended and the data will be public soon. 

The website will be fully functional with the country profile pages in fall 2020.

Project Directors

John Gerring, Professor

Department of Government, University of Texas at Austin jgerring@austin.utexas.edu

Erzen Oncel, Assistant Professor 

Department of International Relations, Ozyegin University erzen.oncel@ozyegin.edu.tr

Please direct all correspondence to Erzen Oncel

We thank the former Principal Investigators Kevin M. Morrison and Pedro M. Barros for their contribution to the GLP project.

Financial Support

  • Development Research Group, World Bank
  • The Clinton Global Initiative at Boston University (principal funder: Kirk Radke)
  • The Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future at Boston University
  • Cornell University